10/30/15: Zainab: A Glorious Woman Who Completed the Covenant of Karbala and Flew the Flag of Faith & Action Global and Forever

Dear Supporters of Islamic House of Wisdom,   Salaam Alaikum!

It's an honor to invite you to the 20th Anniversary Celebration
of the Islamic House of Wisdom!

Twenty years of contribution to the community, education, youth programs, promoting family values, outreach, building bridges of understanding and interfaith, being a humble role model in calling for Muslims unity, standing for truth and justice, helping the poor, serving the community during the times of happiness and sadness and dealing with personal, family and social problems through moral and spiritual assistance are part of the accomplishments of Islamic House of Wisdom.

It will be a pleasure to see you and your family in this Anniversary Dinner, Sunday- November 8th at 2pm!

 In order to accommodate everyone smoothly, please confirm your attendance ASAP. Please call IHW at (313) 359-1221 or reply to this email!


Mohammad Ali ElahiFounding Imam -Islamic House of Wisdom


Join us for Friday Prayer at 1:30pm-  

this week's theme by Imam Elahi:  "Zainab: A Glorious Woman Who Completed the Covenant of Karbala and Flew the Flag of Faith & Action Global and Forever"

In case you missed last week's Friday Sermon - "Ashura: A Divine Day, Hussein's Heroism & Integrity vs the History's worst Moral Monsters. Victory of Truth!" - See Video LINK! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IzuAYfad60o


Honoring Ashura's Guests, Calling for Forming a Shura Council!

IHW Honored the guest speakers and reciters from the Islamic House of Wisdom and other centers in the area with a unity dinner held Monday of this week.

During this dinner which was held following a short notice, a good number of Shia Muslim imams and scholars who served the community in Ashura attended the dinner.

Ambassador, Dr. Ali Ajami and some friends from the area including brothers from Harakat Amal and Great Revelations school joined the clergy community as well. 

During the dinner the issue of more unity and cooperation among the Muslim and Arab community was raised and briefly discussed.
No one disagreed on the importance of community unity as the first step towards an effective outreach and interfaith approach. The controversy and confusion started when we spoke about the details and the best mechanism of achieving this kind of unity.

Imam Elahi suggested formation of a Shura Council in order to share information and move towards a collective vision, voice, work and leadership.

A good number of guests welcomed this idea and suggested to follow up this discussion during one more meeting before the end of this year.

We at The Islamic House of Wisdom expressed our willingness to welcome the same guests and more community leaders and representatives of religious and cultural institutions for another session of communication, reflection and recommendation in order to establish a Shura Council for the community.

Please send us your thoughts on the best ways you think of making a strong unity in our community and how maintain it.


10th of Muharram- Ashura Commemoration Held at the IHW 

Last Saturday- With a full auditorium of attendance, the Ashura Maqtal (Story of Ashura) was presented in both English & Arabic by our guest reciters. Following the Maqtal, Harissa soup was shared with all of the participants and afternoon prayers were performed together.

 At the conclusion of our Ashura Services, we would like to thank all of those who supported the nightly programs! To see a brief of the Ashura Highlights- Visit our Facebook Page

In Case You Missed a Nightly Program, catch up on the presentations! 

  • In English- Sayed Hussain Makke- HERE 
  • In Arabic- Sheikh Fadel Al-Khatib- HERE
  • Poetry by Sister's: Teeba Sadoun & Abir Safa- HERE  


We would like to thank the "Ashura Project" and all of our community youth groups and centers who helped organize the Ashura march in Dearborn, last Sunday.

The march was greatly organized, civilized and sincere. It was a demonstration of love and appreciation for the unique sacrifice of Imam Hussein (SA), his family and followers. The

photos and videos of the event reached the globe!!  May the Lord reward all those who helped, all those who attended.

Special thanks to Dearborn Police department for providing order and security for such a loving community spiritual initiative.
