Prayer for the New Year of 2021 by Imam Mohammad Ali Elahi!

سلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

Salaam- Peace and grace!

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

It's New year’s eve, and tomorrow is the first Friday is the first day of 2021!

Today I am out of town, but will be at IHW for Friday prayer tomorrow at 12:30 pm, ENSHAALLAH

﴿ وَلَا تَقُولَنَّ لِشَيْءٍ إِنِّي فَاعِلٌ ذَلِكَ غَدًا * إِلَّا أَنْ يَشَاءَ اللَّهُ

لكهف (23

First I like to say happy New Year to my friends, my fellows, my community, country and the world.

كل عام و انتم بخير و بركة و فرح و فلاح و عافية سعادة!

What would be the best way to welcome the New Year?

Prayer is the best way to start this New Year with!

Which prayer?

There are so many prayers, but for the sake of time, I share only two!

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم يا مقلب القلوب والأبصار يا مدبر الليل والنهار ، يا محول الحول والأحوال ، حول حالنا الى أحسن الحال برحمتك يا أرحم الراحمين

O God You are both the Creator and Transformer of our universe, our planet and our personalities, we ask you to transform our souls and our circumstances to the best and most beautiful ones.

the second prayer of my choice is the one we say it after our noon prayers but also great for the New Year’s eve.

اَللّـهُمَّ لا تَدَعْ لنا ذَنْباً اِلاّ غَفَرْتَهُ وَلا هَمّاً اِلاّ فَرَّجْتَهُ وَلا سُقْماً اِلاّ شَفَيْتَهُ وَلا عَيْباً اِلاّ سَتَرْتَهُ وَلا رِزْقاً اِلاّ بَسَطْتَهُ وَلا خَوْفاً اِلاّ امَنْتَهُ وَلا سُوءاً اِلاّ صَرَفْتَهُ وَلا حاجَةً هِيَ لَكَ رِضاً وَلِيَ فيها صَلاحٌ اِلاّ قَضَيْتَها يآ اَرْحَمَ الرّاحِمينَ أمينَ رَبَّ الْعالَمينَ

In this prayer we ask God for 8 blessings at this New Year’s eve.

1-O Lord! please forgive us our sins ( the sin of selfishness, forgetfulness, disobedience and weakness,)

2-O Lord please provide us with comfort and remove all stresses, anxieties and grieves from our life

3-O Lord please take away from us all pains, panics, and problems.

4-O Lord please fix our shortcomings, save us from embarrassments and disgracefulness.

5-O Lord please take care of our livelihood, make us prosperous,

6-O Lord please turn our fears , worries and frustrations to peace and security.

7-O Lord please protect us from any evil, harm, and damage.

8-O Lord please meet any other needs in our lives!

The need for good guidance, leadership, relief and healing.

2020 was a tragic year of this national and global painful pandemic, we also suffered from other tsunamis, tsunamis of lies, corruptions, insanities, forgiving the criminals and forgetting the innocents, torturous tweeters, terrorizing even our governor and other State’s officials, the tsunamis of Pharaonic attitudes, domestic and international terrorism, hate crime, the cancer of racism, damages to our democracy and dignity, and fueling the fire of political and cultural wars.

We pray this new year, with a new leadership, we won’t disappointed again.

We pray our new political leaders be able to practice what they preached. we hope they can start a new morning, a new journey, full of hope and healing, with light of wisdom, promising peace and patience, truth and justice, love and liberty, compassion and unity, trust and understanding, for our communities, our great country and every member of our global family.

in Your name O Lord, Your Glory and Your Grace.

You are Companionate, Merciful, Holy, Healing, Wise, Loving, the Origin, the End, In You we trust O greatest God.

اللهم اذهب عنا هذا الوباء و اشف مرضانا و اجعل اول ايام هذا العام صلاحا و اوسطه فلاحا و اخره نجاحا و كله سلاما برحمتك يا ارحم الراحمين و صل علي محمد و اله الطيبين الطاهرين و صحبه المنتجبين

Ameen, Amin.

See you my friends, tomorrow the first day of 2021, the first Friday and the first sermon.

Happy New Year

Joyful journey Enshaallah!

Watch On Facebook: HERE

IHW Office
LIVE Sunday Discussion with Imam Mohammad Ali Elahi

LIVE Sunday with Imam Mohammad Ali Elahi

Renewing our friendship! Though Corona has separated us physically but thank God, it couldn’t hurt our friendship!

Time to show love, care, and renew our relationships at least virtually!

Let’s do all we can to support our suffering friends, those who feel lonely during this crisis and need our smiles, help, hopeful talks, money, medicine and even our sacrifice!

I didn’t forget you! I love you- You are in my prayers always

Watch On Facebook: HERE

IHW Office
Marriage and family a union of love, peace and piety!

Marriage and family a union of love, peace and piety!


Congratulations to those who chose Eid al-Qadir as a holy day to start their life journey!
That is Eid of love, loyalty and trust!

Facilitating marriage performances is a Heavenly order and call for all the communities!

We pray and wish a happy, healthy and joyous family journey for Alaa Bazzi and Nirmeen and also Bozorg Sadeghi and Banafsheh

IHW Office
Emphasize on united efforts of our community’s religious institutions while our nation is hurt by wearied crises, confusions and conflicts!

Emphasize on united efforts of our community’s religious institutions while our nation is hurt by wearied crises, confusions and conflicts!

Our nation is suffering from so many crises! From Covid-19 to cultural, political, financial and racial wars!
The situation back in the Muslim world even worse and more heartbreaking!

As we approach the coming elections more tensions and troubles targeting our national security and solidarity out of greed and selfishness of merciless forces!

The religious leaders representing IHW, Islamic Center of America, Islamic Institute of Knowledge, Islamic Institute of America, IMAM institution of Marjaiyya, Imam Sadeq Center and American Islamic Community Center met at Islamic House of Wisdom this morning to establish a Council of local religious centers to cooperate on issues strengthening our unity and promote peace and confidence in our neighborhoods!
It was unanimously agreed among all the imams to find a mechanism both scientifically and religiously so all the centers issue similar prayer calendars!

This way no more confusion over Imsak and Iftar during Ramadan and also better coordination regarding other religious observations in the community!

Hopefully soon, this council would contribute more effectively to our social awareness and education especially during this time of test, trial and turbulences!
We need our community’s feedbacks, suggestions and supports, so we as imams are better equipped in serving our community and country!🙏

IHW Office
The Michigan Imams Council Members met at IHW today to hear a report from the recent Shia-Sunni scholars and imams' retreat in Washington DC by Imams Elahi, Masmary, Al-Halabi, Al-Turk and Soleiman.

The Michigan Imams Council Members met at IHW today to hear a report from the recent Shia-Sunni scholars and imams’ retreat in Washington DC by Imams Elahi, Masmary, Al-Halabi, Al-Turk and Solaiman


February 19, 2020

The Council decided to follow the same model in Michigan in near future.

Interfaith marriage, as a controversial and challenging phenomenon took some time in today’s discussion.

There is an ijmaa or consensus among both Shia and Sunni jurisprudential scholars at this time that doesn’t recognize a Marriage between a Muslim woman with a man out of Muslim faith!

The foster care was the last but not the least issue of our conversation. We ask our Muslim community to please contact with us regarding getting license to help the suffering kids in our community.

IHW Office
The Michigan Imams Council Members met at IHW today to hear a report from the recent Shia-Sunni scholars and imams' retreat in Washington DC by Imams Elahi, Masmary, Al-Halabi, Al-Turk and Soleiman.

The Michigan Imams Council Members met at IHW today to hear a report from the recent Shia-Sunni scholars and imams’ retreat in Washington DC by Imams Elahi, Masmary, Al-Halabi, Al-Turk and Solaiman

February 19, 2020

The Council decided to follow the same model in Michigan in near future.

Interfaith marriage, as a controversial and challenging phenomenon took some time in today’s discussion.

There is an ijmaa or consensus among both Shia and Sunni jurisprudential scholars at this time that doesn’t recognize a Marriage between a Muslim woman with a man out of Muslim faith!

The foster care was the last but not the least issue of our conversation. We ask our Muslim community to please contact with us regarding getting license to help the suffering kids in our community.

IHW Office
Dr. Rev. Sell Harris an active and dedicated interfaith leader from Virginia, addressed the lovers of Ahlu-Bayt (as) gathered at islamic House of Wisdom

Dr. Rev. Sell Harris an active and dedicated interfaith leader from Virginia, addressed the lovers of Ahlul-Bayt(as) gathered at Islamic House of Wisdom

February 17, 2020

Imam Elahi welcomed Dr. Harris, and congratulated the participants, including the leaders of Islamic Centers on the birthday of lady Fatima (sa) and spoke on the dream of world peace and the need to replace hatred with healing and hope!

The key note speaker was Dr Sel Harris who inspired our community leaders and activists with sharing his decades of research about Islam and Ahlol- bait and some modern Muslim leaders of 20 century including Dr. Shariati, shahid Mohammad Bagher AlSadr and also Imam Musa Sadr!

Dr. Sell referred to the Quran of Thomas Jefferson in the Capital Library and spoke in details on the vision of religious liberty and great contributions of Muslims to American civilization and prosperity!

Dr. Sel expressed his sadness of what happened to Elahi at Detroit airport when the imam was coming back from Seoul peace summit!

Dr Sel said our nonviolent movement for establishment of justice should continue , since only through justice, peace will be achieved!

IHW Office
Two Hour Meeting and Discussion with Imams of Islamic Center of America, Islamic House of Wisdom and American Islamic Community Center!

Two Hour Meeting and Discussion with Imams of Islamic Center of America, Islamic House of Wisdom and American Islamic Community Center!

Organized by Nasser Beydoun, Chairman of Arab American Civil Rights League and hosted by Imam Mohammad Ali Elahi at Islamic House of Wisdom!

Participants included:

Representatives of Governor Gretchen Whitmer, Willam Dion and Ghida Dagher, US Attorney Mathew Schneider, Eastern District US Attorney SAIC Steven M. D’Antuono, FBI Colonel Joseph Gasper, Michigan State Police,Judge Gene Hunt,Dr. Halim,

Chief Ronald Haddad, Dearborn Police Department, Sam Beydoun, Dr Talal Turfe, Dr. Mohammad Ajjour, Dr. Khalid Kamal, Dr. Ahmad Saleh, Attorny Nabih Ayyad,

Ali Sayed of Hype, Wassim Mahfooz of Lebanese Cultural Center, Judge Maryam Bazzi, Dr Kathy Kalil and a good number of other community leaders and activists!

The subject discussed included:

Community Awareness, Fighting Stigma, Warning about Drug Overdose, Community Education, Best Ways to treat the Victims, the Duties of Mosques and Families, Law enforcement, Spiritual support, Dealing with the national and international sources of drug business, Helping Organizations already working on drug issues, Cultural challenges in curing the drug’s disease, using Friday prayers and memorial services for youth enlightening, receiving Federal assistance in this struggle, Imams meeting with the victims of drugs in hospitals, homes and prisons

IHW Office
No to Wars, Yes to Dialogue, Diplomatic, Respect, Responsibility and Human Integrity!

No to Wars, Yes to Dialogue, Diplomacy, Respect, Responsibility and Human Integrity!

Detroit area faith community stands against war with Iran and calls for peace in the Middle East! Return to diplomacy needed to avert needless war!


DEARBORN HEIGHTS, Michigan- Faith leaders from across metro-Detroit gathered Thursday Jan 9, 2020, in the Islamic House of Wisdom to call for calm in the face of escalating tensions between Iran and the United States following a drone attack that killed two Iraqi and Iranian generals and a missile attack on an Iraqi air base housing American troops. The Christian and Muslim clerics are praying for a diplomatic solution that will prevent further bloodshed.

The speakers included Imam Mohammed Ali Elahi, Rev. Jill Hardt-Zundel, Pastor, Central United Methodist Church of Detroit, Dawud Walid, Executive Director of the Council on American Islamic Relations of Michigan (CAIR-MI), Nasser Beydoun the president of Arab American Civil Rights, Osama Siblini of Arab American News and Shireen Smalley manager of NNAAC Organizational Development!

The following is the transcript of Imam Elahi’s opening speech in the beginning of the Press Conference!

"Yesterday, I listened to the speech of our commander in chief, who is known to be commander in contradiction, confusion and chaos!

Gladly he backed off from his previous statements such, as threatening to attack Iran's cultural sites, which is a war crime.

He expressed an interest to work with Iran to fight ISIS together.

He said he wanted Iran to be great and prosperous.

He said the US is ready to embrace peace with Iran.

He said we have a great military, but it doesn’t mean we have to use it.

I wish we could trust this president’s words.

In the same speech, he promised additional punishing economic sanctions and called the deal and diplomacy that were working foolish just because it was signed by his predecessor and the rest of world powers.

He asked other countries to break away from the nuclear deal.

All these contradictions in the presidents’ expressions and actions show one thing! My way or highway! Me, myself and I.

He wants to eats his cake and has it too.

This is nothing but ego, arrogance, greed, selfishness, misleading and petty political gambling.

It is the absence of wisdom, trust, respect, responsibility, moral leadership and justice.

The new year was a good time for peace, reconciliation and forgiveness, but the president started the new year with a war that made the Iraqis who are hosting our troops extremely angry!

The president also angered Ayatollah Sistani, the spiritual leader of Iraq, who is known for being very wise and moderate.

There was no need to start 2020 with attacking the bases of Iraqi anti-ISIS forces and killing 25 innocent members of Iraqi popular mobilization!

This bloody attack followed with killing of the commander of Iraqi popular forces general Abu Mahdi al-Muhandes and his guest general Soleimani, who arrived at Baghdad airport on January 3rd.

The government of Iraq stated that Soleimani was its guest for a diplomatic mission.

It called the murder of Soleimani a political assassination and concluded that it was an attack on Iraq's sovereignty and a violation of international law.

The president tried to justify the attack but even some Republican senators who attended the security briefing by the Trump administration, left the meeting more decided to limit the president’s war power (which is the discussion of this morning at the US Congress today).

Republican Senators Mike Lee and Rand Paul called the strike justifications "insulting, un-American, Un-Constitutional and wrong."

It reminds us of the historic sentence from John Adam we are “A government of laws not men”

Mr. President:

You said you have deep respect for the Iranians, they are remarkable people with great heritage.

Then, why did you lose the minds and hearts of those great people?

Did you see the flood of millions and millions of Iranians followed the funeral of their general all over the country?

What did you really achieve by that attack, militarily, socially, politically or morally?

You created more anti-Americanism and more negative feeling and hate for your administration. That is so sad and unfortunate.

Is adding more sanction, pain, punishment, travel ban, murdering the Iranian children in the hospitals because of your economic war, considered love and respect for someone?

Please change your policies towards Iran, sanction, military operation won’t make them to submit to your unwise polices and practices. Its insanity to repeat the same thing and expect different results.

As an Iranian-American who love this country and care about peace, prosperity and security in America, Iran, Iraq, the Middle East and the entire world, I ask you to open the doors for dialogue but with respect, integrity, justice and win- win deal!

Time is short, and we hope when you leave the White House, you leave it with a good legacy.

An absolute majority of Iranians want peace with America, an absolute majority of Americans want peace with Iran.

When you open the windows of dialogue and diplomacy with your words, don’t close the doors with your deeds.

What really work are: weapon of wisdom, not violence, harmony not hate, honesty not deception, morality not just money, humility not arrogance, empathy not imposing pain and fear, compassion not killing, grace not greed.

I suggest you send a message of condolences for all the families who lost their loved ones in the last ten days of strikes and expressing regret for all terrible bloodsheds and economic war that has become a murdering machine, killing so many innocents in Iran, especially the kids in children hospitals who can’t buy their medication out of your oppressive sanctions!

I am sure If you act with love and logic, the Iranian people would respond you the same way.

I hope your presidency won’t be a total moral failure and you be able to pass this historic test of Oval Office, so you would be remembered and honored for centuries to come.

As this month we would honor the anniversary of MLK in Dearborn, lets remember his memorable statement:

“We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools”

IHW Office
Great marriages aren't discovered, they are created!

Great marriages aren’t discovered, they are created!

Marriage Foundation Workshop Success!

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This workshop is sponsored & hosted by (IHW) every 6 months, to help provide constructive stronger marriages in our community.

Our mission is “stronger marriages build stronger families, stronger families build stronger communities”.

Our aim is to 1) bring together those that are ready for a life long commitment and 2) to bring those that are already in a life long commitment, prepare them with specialized skills & Knowledge required to evolve.

This one day workshop under the guidance of Hajjah Sabah Beydoun focused on how to work together and build a stronger marriage through developing a variety of essential qualities/traits & active cooperative/participation skills that ensure a successful happy relationship along with the motivation necessary to accomplish.

“Evolving into the right person”

Marriage is not like a house you walk into, they have to be built from day one and all the way to the end of your life……..a construction of knowledge and love.

Islam teaches us that through a marriage ceremony one is committed to making the effort to move from the state of “I” to the state of “WE” therefore it views both partners as a team instead of two separate individuals.

After the warm welcome, in order for us to get to know each other better participants were asked to introduce themselves using categories on the wall chart, they filled when they arrived.

Participants took a short break for prayer and lunch.

The main topic powerpoint was presented titled (Creating a Great Relationship). Followed by a short video on how to manage conflict since conflict is inevitable, but how to manage conflict is in one's own hands. After the video participants were asked to answer questions given to them about the video as they were divided into groups and asked to discuss their answers with their group.

We received a lot of positive and constructive feedback- please inbox us your contact information to be included in the next meetings!

IHW Office
Inspiring Arbaeen Observation for Ayatollah Sayyed Jafar Al-Mortadha at Islamic House of Wisdom!

Inspiring Arbaeen Observation for Ayatollah Sayyed Jafar Al-Murtadha at Islamic House of Wisdom!

Sunday, December 8, 2019

The first speaker and moderator of the service was Br Mustafa Al-Murtadha, the nephew of the late ayatollah!

The reciters included br. Mohammad Zain and shaikh Kassem Beydoun!

Imam Elahi was the final speaker of the ceremony!

Imam Elahi reflected on the life journey of the late schooler, researcher and the author of the prophet’s (pbuh) encyclopedia!

He spoke about the three major Shia seminaries in Jabal-Amel, Al-Najaf al-Ashraf and the Holy city of Qum as the main steps of the scholarly journey of the late historian Mohaghegh, and the Quranic commentator!

Imam Elahi spent big part of his service, reminding the audience the fundamental values of those seminary sources in serving the faith, education and leading the society in their search for peace, justice and freedom!

Our great religious references, the marhaajei are known as shining lights of knowledge, prayer, piety, humbleness, dedication and determination, sacrifice patience, intellect and integrity!

By mentioning some powerful Pilars knowledge in the Shia traditional universities in the last 1000 years, the imam emphasized on the importance of learning the true Islamic history and share the light of truth with those confused of the mixture of facts and fictions in the historic features and events!

He concluded that the exceptional work of the late Sayyed Al-Murtadha is a great help in that direction!

The observation was concluded in a faithful and friendly atmosphere with food and evening prayers!

December 19: "Trump’s discourteous and disrespectful tone against our Congresswoman Debbie Dingell and her late husband was ugly, unfair and unacceptable!

In his two hour long rally last night in Michigan, the impeached president abused his podium power to beat and blow up any individual, organization and entity that may disagree with his political path!

It was not the first time that Congresswoman Debbie Dingell was attacked and insulted by the president’s rude rhetoric, what was new this time, was that even her late husband Congressman John Dingell was insulted in his grave!

While denouncing this kind of absurd and unfair attacks, we express our solidarity and support for the Dingell family especially Congresswoman Debbie, as she is approaching the first year remembrance of her husband with a broken heart and grief!"

IHW Office
Petition to US Congress Asking the Nation's Representatives to Stand for Peace and Stability in Lebanon!

Petition to US Congress Asking the Nation’s Representatives to Stand for Peace and Stability in Lebanon!

Hope Social Foundation, and a group of activists from the Lebanese American community in Dearborn held a meeting with Congresswoman Debbie Dingell at the Islamic House of Wisdom this morning.

The participants included Imam Mohammad Ali Elahi, Dr Talal Turfe, Dr Mohamad Dughayli, Dr Hassan Chami, Dr Hassan Hamdan, Mr Ali Mokbel, and Mrs Fayrouz Bazzi!

During this meeting, the tragic situation in Lebanon was discussed. The recent demonstrations, security violations and the political, economic and historic reasons behind those developments were the main points of this conversation.

Dr Mohamad Dughayli the head of Hope Social Foundation asked her honor Congresswoman to share this petition with other Representatives in the US Congress and pass the serious concerns of our community members about the current crisis in Lebanon.

Congresswoman Debbie Dingell appreciated this and any other community outreach and promised to continue her efforts in promoting peace and stability in Lebanon and other neighboring countries, especially the tragedy in Yemen and the Israeli-Palestinian conflicts.

Imam Elahi thanked the Congresswoman and other guests and shared his own concerns about the catastrophic situation in the Middle East in general and Lebanon in particular.

The imam criticized the administration’s focusing on Israel’s government and the Saudi Arabia corrupt kingdom and ignoring the dignity and rights of other nations in the region devastating not only for the region but also for the image, interests and future of America in that part of the world.

Trump polices are not just bad for the Muslims and Christians in the area but also bad for the Jews in the long term!

IHW Office
Islamic House of Wisdom Celebrated in Unity dinner!

Islamic House of Wisdom Celebrated in Unity Dinner!

IHW's Semi-Annual Fall Fundraising dinner event was held on November 1st at Greenfield Manor, located in Dearborn, Michigan.

The recipients of this dinner included: Fay Beydoun for guiding the business community toward success!

Wassim Mahfouz for outstanding services to seniors, youth, children, and families.

Rev. Colleen Kamke Neiman for distinguished interfaith services.

The keynote speaker of the ceremony was the founding imam of the Islamic House of Wisdom who spoke about the mission of the mosque!

Imam Elahi reflected on 24 years of IHW services to the community and summarized the mission of the mosque in 6 words: Faith, education, promotion of love and justice, outreach and action!

imam Elahi stated that the Muslim community is part of American identity today, we are involved in educational, medical, political, legal and business services all over the country.

He spoke about the election in Michigan and encouraged the community to take the rule of law through voting and participating in the national political destination seriously!

MC Sayyed Khalil Hachem, Chairman Dr. Firas Hamadeh and the Chair of Youth of Wisdom Mahdi Elahi covered the services of IHW.

The services include: Arabic blesses for both kids and adults, classes in Quranic studies, the program of al-Hikma seminary providing classes in logic, history, belief system, jurisprudence, ISLAMIC moral system lead by Dr. Daneshgar!

Mahdi Elahi also spoke about the IHW Marriage foundation and family services. IHW free body washing services during the funeral process and proving free gravesite to poor families in Plymouth cemetery!

Friday prayer with powerful updated sermons, Doua Komail, providing services on religious occasions, interfaith and outreach, providing food to the needy every Friday for the last 5 years and helping the poor and the orphans based on humble resources are other aspects of IHW serves.

The unity and family atmosphere of the dinner was welcomed by the guests from the Shia, Sunni , Muslim and Christian guests and participants!

IHW Office
Thank you Dr. Shadi for your successful workshop on mental health issues at IHW!

Thank you Dr. Shadi for your successful workshop on mental health issues at IHW!

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Living in a society with so much success and prosperity doesn’t guaranty total health and happiness for all!

Over tens of millions of Americans from every background suffer from different levels of depression and mental health problems!

Faith can be a major source of peace, tranquility and comfort to human mind, heart and soul!

Yet our faith never deprives its followers from scientific contributions and specially in the area of mental suffering which is a deeply dangerous disease in our country and the world!

We would like to thank our board member sister Nasreen Salame for following the logistics of this educational work!

IHW Office
Festival of Faith, Family and Friends at Islamic House of Wisdom!

Festival of Faith, Family and Friends at Islamic House of Wisdom!

After one month of focusing on faith, recitation, reflection and participation in God’s reception the faithful gathered at IHW to end Ramadan’s rituals with spacial Eld prayers!

Imam Elahi lead the prayers and addressed the audience with the Eid

sermons examining the mission of Ramadan and what we must take from it.

The Imam called Ramadan a revolution in our souls and asked the faithful to implement the Ramadan’s message of mercy, forgiveness, love and solidarity with the suffering!

Reviewing the burning and tragic state of the umma especially in Palestine, Syria, Sudan, Sana’a, Bahrain, Afghanistan, Burma, Bahrain, and other suffering areas, imam called for more social and political outreach, courage and speaking truth with other fellow Americans standing against war, violence, corruption, lies, hypocrisy and selfishness!

Imam spoke about winning the hearts and minds of our neighbors through mercy and compassion and avoiding any practice that may hurt our neighborly relationship! Let’s fight the cancer of Islamophobia by the weapon of wisdom and values!

Referring to the President’s state visit to Britain and expensive ceremonies at the Buckingham palace, the president should had discussed some of those humanitarian tragedies, condemning MBS for 4 years of genocide in Yemen, the criminal army generals in Sudan for massacring pro-democracy forces, and Netanyahu for targeting the Palestinians in the Aqsa mosque, instead he attacked his host Sadeq Khan the Muslim mayor of London! That is rude!

The Saudis can't continue their isis style barbarian behaviors without Trump help! Sending more weapons for the murderers of Khashoggi and innocent Yemenis is extremely disgusting!

Imam Elahi spoke about dangerous moral tsunami threatening the young generation asked the family to manage the kids time during the Summer and bring them to Friday prayers and classes provided by IHW!

Let’s work together to raise a successful generation distinguished with faith, education, hard work and honesty!

IHW Office