Prayer for the New Year of 2021 by Imam Mohammad Ali Elahi!

سلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

Salaam- Peace and grace!

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

It's New year’s eve, and tomorrow is the first Friday is the first day of 2021!

Today I am out of town, but will be at IHW for Friday prayer tomorrow at 12:30 pm, ENSHAALLAH

﴿ وَلَا تَقُولَنَّ لِشَيْءٍ إِنِّي فَاعِلٌ ذَلِكَ غَدًا * إِلَّا أَنْ يَشَاءَ اللَّهُ

لكهف (23

First I like to say happy New Year to my friends, my fellows, my community, country and the world.

كل عام و انتم بخير و بركة و فرح و فلاح و عافية سعادة!

What would be the best way to welcome the New Year?

Prayer is the best way to start this New Year with!

Which prayer?

There are so many prayers, but for the sake of time, I share only two!

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم يا مقلب القلوب والأبصار يا مدبر الليل والنهار ، يا محول الحول والأحوال ، حول حالنا الى أحسن الحال برحمتك يا أرحم الراحمين

O God You are both the Creator and Transformer of our universe, our planet and our personalities, we ask you to transform our souls and our circumstances to the best and most beautiful ones.

the second prayer of my choice is the one we say it after our noon prayers but also great for the New Year’s eve.

اَللّـهُمَّ لا تَدَعْ لنا ذَنْباً اِلاّ غَفَرْتَهُ وَلا هَمّاً اِلاّ فَرَّجْتَهُ وَلا سُقْماً اِلاّ شَفَيْتَهُ وَلا عَيْباً اِلاّ سَتَرْتَهُ وَلا رِزْقاً اِلاّ بَسَطْتَهُ وَلا خَوْفاً اِلاّ امَنْتَهُ وَلا سُوءاً اِلاّ صَرَفْتَهُ وَلا حاجَةً هِيَ لَكَ رِضاً وَلِيَ فيها صَلاحٌ اِلاّ قَضَيْتَها يآ اَرْحَمَ الرّاحِمينَ أمينَ رَبَّ الْعالَمينَ

In this prayer we ask God for 8 blessings at this New Year’s eve.

1-O Lord! please forgive us our sins ( the sin of selfishness, forgetfulness, disobedience and weakness,)

2-O Lord please provide us with comfort and remove all stresses, anxieties and grieves from our life

3-O Lord please take away from us all pains, panics, and problems.

4-O Lord please fix our shortcomings, save us from embarrassments and disgracefulness.

5-O Lord please take care of our livelihood, make us prosperous,

6-O Lord please turn our fears , worries and frustrations to peace and security.

7-O Lord please protect us from any evil, harm, and damage.

8-O Lord please meet any other needs in our lives!

The need for good guidance, leadership, relief and healing.

2020 was a tragic year of this national and global painful pandemic, we also suffered from other tsunamis, tsunamis of lies, corruptions, insanities, forgiving the criminals and forgetting the innocents, torturous tweeters, terrorizing even our governor and other State’s officials, the tsunamis of Pharaonic attitudes, domestic and international terrorism, hate crime, the cancer of racism, damages to our democracy and dignity, and fueling the fire of political and cultural wars.

We pray this new year, with a new leadership, we won’t disappointed again.

We pray our new political leaders be able to practice what they preached. we hope they can start a new morning, a new journey, full of hope and healing, with light of wisdom, promising peace and patience, truth and justice, love and liberty, compassion and unity, trust and understanding, for our communities, our great country and every member of our global family.

in Your name O Lord, Your Glory and Your Grace.

You are Companionate, Merciful, Holy, Healing, Wise, Loving, the Origin, the End, In You we trust O greatest God.

اللهم اذهب عنا هذا الوباء و اشف مرضانا و اجعل اول ايام هذا العام صلاحا و اوسطه فلاحا و اخره نجاحا و كله سلاما برحمتك يا ارحم الراحمين و صل علي محمد و اله الطيبين الطاهرين و صحبه المنتجبين

Ameen, Amin.

See you my friends, tomorrow the first day of 2021, the first Friday and the first sermon.

Happy New Year

Joyful journey Enshaallah!

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